GBP 23
Pearl Liang Chinese Cuisine(漂亮)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 8 Sheldon Square, London W2 6EZ
- Remark
- 伦敦Paddington中餐馆。粤菜、川菜。醉鸡海蜇熏蹄、明炉烧鸭、川式水煮肥牛、红烧东坡肉、椒盐软壳蟹
GBP 15
The Sichuan Restaurant(川百味)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 14 City Road, London EC1Y 2AA
- Remark
- 川菜馆。飘香麻辣鱼、大蒜烧鳝段、水煮鱼、干锅牛筋、红焖羊排、四川担担面、冒菜
GBP 20
Fei Er Cottage(飞娥山庄)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 37 Strutton Ground, London SW1P 2HY
- Remark
- 英国威斯敏斯特,粤菜、川菜。点心、火锅、汤面、水饺。
GBP 18
China City Restaurant(中国城)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 50 Woburn Place, London WC1H 0JZ
- Remark
- 伦敦大学附近中餐馆。正宗川菜、地道东北菜。明炉烧鸭、麻辣香锅、干锅、烤鱼、点心、水饺、小笼包
GBP 15
Super Three(巴山蜀水)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 207 East India Dock Road, London E14 0ED
- Remark
- 东伦敦川菜馆。九宫格火锅、炭火烤肉、韩式小菜
Meeting Noodles(面面聚道)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 35 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8PG
- Remark
- 伦敦Grays Inn,川菜、粤菜、兰州拉面。主厨为赵良明推荐拿手的原只龙虾拉面、原只龙虾烘面底。麻辣香...
GBP 20
Crystal China(味缘)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 78-80 Tower Bridge Road, Bermondsey, London SE1 4TP
- Remark
- 位于伦敦的塔桥路,距离塔桥不到一英里。川菜系麻辣香锅、冒菜、烤鱼
JinCheng Alley(锦城小巷)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 43 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1BN
- Remark
- 伦敦大英博物馆附近新牛津街,特色中餐。养生锅、酸汤鱼、炝锅腰花、竹笋牛腩、麻辣烫串串
GBP 30
Taste of China(湖南人湘菜馆)
- Reviews:
- Address:
- 28 North End Road Golders Green, London NW11 7PT
- Remark
- 伦敦城北Golders Green车站,湖南菜
GBP 20